Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Cybersec Sentinel

Last Updated: August 30, 2024

This Privacy Policy outlines how we handle information on our website, which provides cybersecurity advisory information. Our primary goal is to offer high-quality, timely advice on cybersecurity issues without requiring the collection of personal data such as usernames or email addresses.

1. Data Collection

We do not collect personal data from our users. You can access and use our website without providing any personal information. We have intentionally designed our services to be fully functional without requiring users to sign up, create accounts, or share any personally identifiable information.

2. Data Controller

We are committed to maintaining the privacy of our users. As part of our recent site redesign and migration to a new hosting provider, we removed all previously stored user data, including usernames and email addresses. This decision reflects our commitment to only storing data that is essential to our service. Currently, we do not collect or store any personal data on our users.

3. Use of Google Analytics

To improve our website and understand how it is being used, we utilize Google Analytics. This service provides us with detailed insights into website usage, including:

  • The number of visitors to our site: Tracks how many users visit our website over specific periods.
  • The countries from which our visitors originate: Identifies the geographical locations of our visitors.
  • The pages visited on our site: Monitors which pages users visit and how long they stay on each page.
  • The methods by which visitors found our site: Analyzes traffic sources, such as search engines, direct traffic, referral sites, or social media.
  • User behavior on the site: Tracks interactions, such as clicks, scrolls, and downloads, to understand user engagement.
  • Demographics and interests: Provides anonymized data on users’ age groups, gender, and interests to help us better understand our audience.
  • Device and browser information: Collects information on the devices and browsers used to access our site, ensuring compatibility and optimization.

This information is collected in an anonymized form and does not include any personally identifiable data. The purpose of using Google Analytics is solely to help us optimize our content, enhance user experience, and better serve our audience.

4. Use of Microsoft Clarity

In addition to Google Analytics, we utilize Microsoft Clarity to gain deeper insights into how users interact with our website. Microsoft Clarity provides us with valuable data, including:

  • Session recordings: Tracks user interactions on our site, allowing us to see how visitors navigate through pages and where they may encounter issues.
  • Heatmaps: Visual representations of user clicks, scrolls, and mouse movements, helping us identify which parts of our site receive the most attention.
  • User behavior analysis: Provides detailed insights into user engagement, including time spent on pages, interactions with content, and navigation patterns.
  • JavaScript errors: Identifies errors that users encounter on our site, allowing us to troubleshoot and improve site functionality.
  • Traffic and source tracking: Similar to Google Analytics, Clarity tracks how visitors arrive at our site and from which sources, such as search engines, social media, or direct visits.

Like Google Analytics, all data collected by Microsoft Clarity is anonymized and does not include personally identifiable information. The insights gained through Clarity help us enhance the user experience, identify and resolve potential issues, and optimize our website to better meet the needs of our audience.

5. Cookies

Our website may use cookies to enhance user experience. Cookies are small text files stored on your device by your web browser. These cookies are used to track anonymous usage data as outlined above. You can disable cookies through your browser settings if you prefer not to have them stored on your device.

6. Third-Party Services

Aside from Google Analytics and Microsoft Clarity, we do not integrate any third-party services that collect or store personal information. We ensure that any tools or services used on our website align with our commitment to privacy and data protection.

7. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, we encourage you to start a conversation with us via our X (formerly Twitter) account. We value transparency and open communication, and we're happy to verify genuine messages and provide further contact details as needed. Please note that we do not respond to unsolicited marketing messages.

8. Changes to This Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. Any changes will be posted on this page, and we encourage you to review our policy periodically.